Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Don't You Just Hate It

Yesterday was our teacher in-service day. Honestly it wasn't so bad ... the morning program was pretty great (it was for the entire district - about 5,000 teachers or so). I had lunch with some people from work at a Chinese Buffet ... and hey, I love Chinese food so that's pretty great, right? The afternoon was decent, and then ... THEN ... today happened.

Today was a rough day to say the least. Our in-service was all about positivity, but I struggled today to embrace that message. I think we all deserve days to be like "AHHHH! Why?!?!," but then I soon realized I have many things to be thankful for so I should probably shut up and accept that things can't always go the way you want them to, even if you work hard for them. I'm sure you get my meaning? You know, when you work really hard for something and then POOF ... you realize you're going to have to work a whole heck of a lot harder, and convince some people to jump on board, in order to reach your goals. That's life. Sometimes your best isn't quite good enough. You've gotta take risks and so on so forth.

Whoo ... glad I got that rant over with. Now on to the books. Don't you just hate it when you start reading a book, you get about a chapter or so in, and you're really, really into it. And then you think ... oh, I might have some time to read it at work tomorrow, so why don't I just take it along with me. And then not only do you NOT have any time to read it, but you also forget it when you're getting ready to leave???

That's right. My book, The Silver Linings Playbook, of which I'm about exactly one chapter into, is now sitting on my desk at my elementary school. So ... as I'm ready for bed, and I reach over to my desk ... there is no book there for me to read. Poop balls. Balls of poop. That's what I say. Time to take some ZZZ Quil and try to get some sleep. Hopefully tomorrow I will NOT forget my book and I can update you on how awesome it is.

That being said, goodnight all! Try to stay positive, even when your day falls apart and all thoughts of positivity fail. I know you're all probably a lot more talented at that than I am (I'm Ms. Negative). Keep reading, keep dreaming, keep working hard. Someday it's all gotta pay off for us, right???

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